Enrolling when Sunset View is not your neighborhood school
The Choice program allows families to enroll in a school outside of their neighborhood boundaries. The Choice "window" opens each year in the fall for parents to apply for the following school year. If you missed the Choice Window you can still apply with the Neighborhood Schools & Enrollment Options office and be placed on a waitlist. Choice enrollment is not guaranteed and depends on various circumstances and enrollment availability. Please click the Choice Enrollment Guide for additional information. Children accepted into the Choice program will need their own transportation in place, none is available through the school district.
AFTER THE FALL CHOICE WINDOW CLOSES, please contact Neighborhood Schools and Enrollment Options about enrolling in a non-neighborhood school. You can submit a Choice enrollment request at anytime.
For Enrollment and Waitlist questions for the Point Loma Cluster please contact Erika Oortgiese [email protected] at Neighborhood Schools and Enrollment Options (NSEO) 4100 Normal St, Annex 12 (619) 260-2410, Ext. 2433. The schools do not have information about a child's location on the NSEO waitlist.
Neighborhood Schools and Enrollment Options
[email protected]
Phone: (619) 260-2410
Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
The information above is what we have interpreted. Please click the Choice Enrollment Guide for more information. If something is written differently here compared to their website, please use their information instead.